When the International Olympic Committee met seven years ago to choose a host for the 2022 Winter Games, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, sent a short video message that helped tip the scale in a close, controversial vote. China had limited experience with winter sports. Little snow falls in the distant hills where outdoor events would take place. Pollution was so dense at times that it was known as the “Airpocalypse.”
-New York Times-
Tip the scale
: 상황을 바꾸다.
: (of a circumstance or event) be the deciding factor; make the critical difference.
I prefer to get a new job but if I get a big bonus, it’ll tip the scales for me to continue working at the firm another year.
나는 새 직장을 구하고 싶지만 만약에 큰 보너스를 받는다면 그게 상황을 바꿔서 이 직장을 일 년 더 다닐 것이다.
I wanted to go to Stanford but the scholarship to the University of Michigan tipped the scales and I’m going there instead.
나는 스탠포드에 가고 싶었지만 미시간 주립대에서의 장학금이 상황을 바꿨고 거기에 대신 갈 것이다.
* tipping point (쑤쌤 extra)
작은 변화들이 어느 정도 기간을 두고 쌓여, 이제 작은 변화가 하나만
더 일어나도 갑자기 큰 영향을 초래할 수 있는 상태가 된 단계
With the Games only days away, China has delivered. It has plowed through the obstacles that once made Beijing’s bid seem a long shot, and faced down new ones, including an unending pandemic and mounting international concern over its authoritarian behavior. As in 2008, when Beijing was host of the Summer Olympics, the Games have become a showcase of the country’s achievements. Only now, it is a very different country.
-New York Times-
Plow through
: …을 애써서, 헤치고 나아가다(=go through laboriously)
made Beijing’s bid seem a long shot
베이징의 도전을 승산이 없는 일처럼 보이게 만들던
Standing in front of a golden bandstand, dressed in a white satin gown and pearls, vocalist Nubiya Brandon sashayed to a gentle beat. Stepping toward the spotlight, she took a lazy turn around the stage, singing a playful calypso number and smiling occasionally at the band behind.
-New York Times-
: 뽐내며 걷다.
: To walk in a slow and confident way that makes people notice you
I peered out of my bedroom window and watched her sashay along our road.
내가 침실 창밖을 응시할 때 그녀가 뽐내며 길을 따라 걷는 것을 보았다.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has put 8,500 American troops on “high alert” for possible deployment to Eastern Europe, as NATO and the United States braced for a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Pentagon announced Monday.
-New York Times-
Brace for
: ~에 대비하다.
: To get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
braced for a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine
러시아의 우크라이나 침공 가능성에 대비하다
"The Marine had an in-depth discussion with drone experts during the seminar to brace for the rapid rise of technology in use for next-generation combat systems," the official said.
관계자는 "차세대 전투 시스템에 사용되는 기술의 급격한 증가에 대비하기 위해, 해병대는 세미나에서 드론 전문가들과 심도있는 논의를 했다"고 전했다.
At the same time, the administration continues to insist the United States has no intention of going to war with Russia over the issue. Since Ukraine is not in NATO, the alliance is not bound by its treaty to come to Ukraine’s defense. Russia’s massing of more than 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border, and NATO’s response, has raised the specter of a war that could escalate and widen.
-New York Times-
The specter of (something)
: ~에 대한 두려움
: Something bad that might happen in the future
has raised the specter of a war
전쟁에 대한 두려움이 고조됐다, 커졌다
Girls raised the specter of the rumor.
여자아이들이 소문에 대해 떠들어댔다.
Our society is still haunted by the specter of military dictatorship.
우리 사회에는 아직도 군부독재의 망령이 남아 있다.
There are few nurses in the Zambian capital with the skills and experience of Alex Mulumba, who works in the operating room at a critical care hospital. But he has recently learned, through a barrage of social media posts and LinkedIn solicitations, that many faraway places are eager for his expertise, too — and will pay him far more than the $415 per month he earns now.
-New York Times-
through a barrage of social media posts 넘쳐나는 소셜 미디어 포스트를 통해서
many faraway places are eager for his expertise그의 전문성을 애타게 찾는, 원하는 먼 곳들 (해외)
: 1. 일제 엄호 사격, 2. (질문 등의) 세례 3. 댐, 보
: 1. a heavy and continuous firing of weapons during a battle
2. a great amount of something that comes quickly and continuously
She faced a barrage[fusillade] of questions from the reporters.
그녀는 기자들의 질문 공세를 받았다.
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